Piano Lessons

Are you looking for a way to build confidence and develop the musician within? At Meadow Lark Studios I use a classical approach which builds a solid foundation for the student to explore any other musical style. Enjoy playing your favorite songs at home, performing for friends, at school, or your church. You may have goal to perform at a talent show or be in a band. Whatever your goals are, I will give you tools and techniques that help you become the musician you dream to be.
Individual Lessons
30 minutes: $120 per month
45 minutes: $180 per month
60 minutes: $240 per month
Practice & Participation
30-60 minutes a week of instruction/coaching with instructor
15-40 minutes 4 or more days a week of independent practice
Participation in performances through-out the year is strongly encouraged and involves about 1-2 hours on a weekend.
Performance dates are determined approximately 2 months in advance.
Standard Materials for Piano Study Include:
A Lesson Book
A Theory Book
A Technique & Artistry Book
A Performance Book
A Music Manuscript Book
Additional materials can be studied at any time for Holidays, special occasions, or to suit the interests of the student.
The level of music books will depend on the student's age, grade level, and previous experience.
The instructor will recommend the appropriate level of lesson materials for the student and always keeps their individual interests and musical goals in mind.
The student is responsible for purchase of the required materials at a local music store or through a teacher recommended online source.
Total cost for materials ranges from $35-50 and will serve as lesson material for 1-2 years.

Keyboard Checkout
If you are enrolled with Meadow Lark Studios and are in need of a practice keyboard. I have keyboards available on a checkout basis. Call for more information.
Policy and Payment
Lesson fees are to be paid by the 5th of each month regardless of attendance. Late fee of $15 will be assessed if payment is not received by the 5th of the month.
Forms of payment accepted: Check-payable to Meadow Lark Studios, Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo to Kyndra Soto.
There is one make-up lesson offered per month for missed lessons.
24 hours advance notice is expected for missed lessons.
All materials and books are to be purchased by the student from a local music store or online. See instructor for details.

Regular attendance is an expectation for both students and teacher.
Make-up lessons will be offered for planned absences and are limited to one makeup lesson per month.
More than three unplanned absences will result in loss of lesson time slot.
Make-up lessons will be offered for missed lessons due to teacher illness or absence.
Client Responsibilities
-Regular practice
-Purchase of all music books and/or sheet music in a timely manner
-Audio playback technology when applicable (tablet, phone, Bluetooth speaker etc.)
-Maintain a study atmosphere during lesson time. Minimize distractions of noise, snacks, electronic devices, etc.
-Acquisition of a quality keyboard instrument in a timely manner
Quality keyboard instrument options are:
1) an acoustic piano that will hold its pitch and on which all keys and pedals function.
2) a digital piano with fully functioning pedals and weighted, touch-sensitive keys.
Note: Electric keyboards are not suitable for serious piano study. (See instructor for more details.)
Performances Opportunities
Sharing our music with an audience is a very important part of music study and cannot be duplicated in any other setting. With that in mind, students are strongly encouraged to participate in one or more of the performance opportunities provided through out the year.
Formal Recitals
There are two formal recitals per year: Christmas and Spring. Participation in formal recitals is strongly recommended because it provides students with valuable opportunities to share what they have learned with a substantial audience.
Student Workshops
Student workshops are a stepping stone to formal recitals. A workshop is made up of a 1 hour rehearsal and clinic facilitated by the instructor, followed by a 30 minute informal time of sharing. Some workshops are for students only. At times, parents and family members are invited into the audience at the conclusion of the class. The type of workshop will depend on the needs of the students participating and will be communicated to parents and students well in advance.
Workshops are highly recommended for students who are new to performing, or working through performance anxiety. Workshops provide students with performance skills in a safe, supportive environment and help students build.confidence.
Recording Sessions
Students are offered an opportunity to do a recording session of their favorite pieces at least once a year. This is done during lesson time for no additional charge. Recording sessions are a great way to measure student progress and provide incentive to polish repertoire to performance quality. At the end of the session, students will take home a high quality audio CD to copy and share with family and friends.
Informal Opportunities
Students are always encouraged to find other informal settings where they can share their talents with an audience. Church, school, and local community venues are good examples. See your instructor for more information.